Names and Places
The Chapel of St. Margaret
The Chapel of St. Margaret
The chapel of St. Margaret has a rectangular plan, a cross-vaulted apse, a mullion window with two lights and bells (‘bifora campanaria’) on the facade. It was built by the devotion of Simone di Prampero, the distinguished feoffee with possessions from Carnia down to Istria, who was appointed with important military, civilian and political charges by the Patriarch Marquard of Randeck, and ordinated Knight of the Golden Spur by the Emperor Charles IV. In 1409 his son Giacomo Giusto provided the chapel with own revenues, and in 1413 it became a patronage of the consortes (persons related with) di Prampero. Today the chapel of St. Margaret belongs - from the ecclesiastic side - to the Forania (rural deanery) of Tarcento, and is a place of local worship and cultural interest. (1) The di Prampero Family Archives, IV, 48 and 49. |